Back in 2017, the Commonwealth of Australia engaged me to identify legislative best practice, with a view to improving consistency in security of payment (SOP) legislation and the level of protection afforded...
Select State or Territory in which the work was performed or for further information, please scroll down
The governments of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory have appointed Adjudicate Today to help industry participants understand and use security of payment legislation. Parliaments have also authorised Adjudicate Today to train and nominate (appoint in WA) adjudicators to determine payment disputes. In Queensland*, Adjudicate Today is an agent for adjudicators.
All States and Territories in Australia have security of payment Acts. These Acts were developed to counter the practice of some principals and contractors in delaying payments, or unduly reducing the value of payments, while otherwise using cash that is owed to their subcontractors and suppliers.
The Acts provide a mechanism for industry participants to be quickly paid money that is owed. These rights are outlined in our General Summary "About Security of Payment and Adjudication".
Our responsibility is to help all parties comply with the procedures and time frames of the relevant Act and work through the adjudication process. Our services are provided professionally, quickly and efficiently.
We do not charge an adjudication application fee or an administration fee. We offer low fixed fees for small value disputes. Click here for detailed fee information.
With support from industry participants, we are Australia's largest authorised nominating authority (ANA) (actually largest in the world) with more matters referred to us than received by all other Australian ANAs combined.
This website provides the necessary tools to understand and apply the process of adjudication to your business.
Please commence by clicking on the State or Territory image (above) in which the work was performed.
If you have problems, our courteous and professional staff provide free, no obligation help on using the Acts in your individual circumstances. Ring 1300 760 297 or email help@adjudicate.com.au.
*Information on this website is generally not applicable in Queensland where there have been many unfortunate amendments which impact the adjudication process.
Adjudicate Today accepts electronic delivery of files via our secure, digital LOCKBOX. There is no limit to the number of individual files you can upload.
For your free Lockbox click here.
Annotated Building & Construction Industry Payments Act (NSW). This monthly subscription service by Adjudicate Today provides the applicable law and links to cases for each Section of the Act.
1 September 2022: NSW website for contracts made after 21 October 2019 rewritten to integrate with and simplify use of online wizards available through a party's Lockbox.
30 August 2022: 2 years in development, the new enhanced digital Lockbox now provides simple online wizards to assist parties make payment claims, provide responses (payment schedules), issue 2nd opportunity notices, and make and respond to adjudication applications entirely online. The processes of the security of payment acts are simplified! To access Click Here.
1 August 2022: Adjudicate Today is proclaimed an Authorised Nominating Authority (ANA) under the new Western Australia Security of Payment Act. This Act is influenced by the NSW Act and applies to contracts made from 1 August 2022. To access our new website Click Here.
8 June 2020: New rewritten, enhanced and simplified websites for Victoria and ACT now live.
20 April 2020: Adjudicate Today commenced providing services in Western Australia following government proclamation as a Prescribed Appointer under the Construction Contracts Act 2004. New WA website launched.
21 October 2019: Amendments to the NSW Act commence. Changes include a requirement that payment claims must be made under the Act; the requirement for a reference date has been removed; and the due date of payment by head contractors to subcontractors is reduced from 30 business days to 20 business days.
Back in 2017, the Commonwealth of Australia engaged me to identify legislative best practice, with a view to improving consistency in security of payment (SOP) legislation and the level of protection afforded...
The Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act (BIF Act) was introduced to Parliament with the promise that it would usher in a new era of fairness in the industry, increase ease of access to Security of Payment, and streamline and...
In Iris Broadbeach v Descon Group the Queensland Supreme Court declared an adjudicator’s decision void because the payment claim was invalid “as a result of the identified items not being sufficiently particularised”. The court’s...