ACT: Claimant Enforces the Decision


This section describes the process of converting an adjudication decision to a judgment of the Court and having it enforced.

  1. Take the adjudication certificate to the appropriate Court and complete an affidavit form which is available at the Court. In the affidavit you need to swear whether any money has been paid to you by the respondent which would reduce the amount owed by virtue of the adjudication decision.
  2. With assistance of Court Registry staff, have the adjudication certificate registered as a judgment of the Court. This judgement will result in obtaining a money order.
  3. Select an option for enforcement of the money order (refer notes below). Legal advice or other assistance may be sought.  Court Registry staff cannot assist in this decision.
  4. Commence your chosen enforcement option at the appropriate Court with the assistance of Court Registry staff.

Setting aside the Judgment

In rare cases, a respondent may make application to set aside the judgment for the adjudicated amount. However to do so, the respondent must pay into Court as security the unpaid portion of the adjudicated amount. This eliminates the advantage, which a respondent had, when the respondent could retain the disputed amount while legal proceedings were in progress.

A Court is unlikely to intervene to prevent the enforcement of an adjudication decision. Such applications would normally be made to the Supreme Court and are expensive to run and difficult to win. However some grounds on which a court may intervene include:

  • there was no construction contract (within the meaning of the Act) between the parties;
  • the respondent was not served with a payment claim under the Act;
  • the claimant is guilty of fraud.

Generally adjudicator error, unless it goes to grounds of jurisdiction or denial of natural justice, is insufficient to attract court intervention. In most cases it is quicker and more cost effective to comply with the adjudication decision and sue separately for repayment of any alleged overpayment. While in all such matters legal advice should be taken, we strongly advise that the advice is taken from a lawyer familiar with the operation of the Act.

Once the respondent makes full payment to the claimant, including adjudicator fees and any interest, the payment process under the Act is complete.

At conclusion of the process, both the respondent and claimant retain their legal rights to pursue any remaining grievances whether it be by litigation or exercising any other dispute resolution rights as described in the contract.

The payment process under the Act is complete.

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